10 Real Estate Marketing Tips to Take Your Agency to the Next Level

10 Real Estate Marketing Tips to Take Your Agency to the Next Level

Real Estate Marketing has come a long way from print and conventional methods to cutting edge online marketing. In this era of the World Wide Web, when everything is going online, how the real estate industry can stay behind. Today, a lot of real estate firms as well as agents have started promoting their businesses through online mediums. Customers come into the contact with real estate agents through their websites and then further process forwards. This way has helped a lot the customers as well as agents to find each other, especially when one has to buy the property in a distant land. Because customers find it much suitable to contact the local real estate firms or the agents of the area where they have to buy the property or take it on rent and the firms and agents can also easily find the potential customers from distant areas.

The major thing real estate firms or agents need is real estate marketing. Making the website and get the online presence is not enough. It is also required to reach the masses in order to show your presence to the customers.

Like every other industry, digital marketing does this for the real estate industry also. With the help of proper digital marketing techniques, the real estate agency can reach the next level without any difficulty. There are some tips required to be followed for the real estate marketing. Let’s have a look at some of these tips that can help you in this regard.

  1. Understand People’s Requirement and Tell Them What They Want to Know

    People do a lot of market research before dealing in real estate. So, most of the individuals or the business units who need some properties have some queries in mind. When you solve their queries, the chances of their becoming your customers increase. If they don’t become your customer and go to some other agency, then also your agency gets a good rapport, which can help you in the long term. It is not necessary that customers would go to one agency every time when they have to buy a house, a plot or any other type of real estate. They can also come to you after some days at the time of requirement if you have a good rapport. On the other hand, a large number of customers come to you directly when they get the relevant information from your website or posted by your agency at several places on the internet.

    But, the question here is where you will put the information for the customers. It matters a lot not only for the customers but for you also for the purpose of real estate marketing. The stuff is required to be posted at the place they often visit.

    Here are some of the online destinations where you can post engaging information.
    • Social Media Websites: Social media websites are the major sources today to reach among the masses. You can engage a mammoth amount of audiences on the social media sites and can solve their queries.
    • Blogs & Articles Websites: The blogs & articles sites are also a great source to provide the information. But, have in mind that you need to add the information at the reputed websites with huge traffic.
    • Websites Supporting Guest Posts: When you submit your posts on the websites, which accept the guest posts, then the audiences of that website also come into the contact with you, which can be beneficial for the real estate marketing.
    • Your Own Website: Don’t underestimate your own websites also. This is your base which is necessary to have everything that users want, who are going to be your customers in the future. You need to provide everything to them that they desire. So, you have to take care of their needs on your web pages. You should also maintain a blog page on your website, to provide updates about your offers as well as industry information.


  2. Understand What They Search

    A lot of people use Google search in case of the real estate industry also like all other industries. So, it is also necessary to do proper keyword research, which is the source to take your website in top searches. Not to mention that the process is known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

    Keywords are the phrases used by the users on Google for searching something. So, understanding this may not be significant in the case of offline marketing, but when you have to do the online real estate marketing, it is not a choice but it is a necessity. There are different ways to know what the phrases are.

    • Use the tools like Google keyword planner. These tools give you an idea of what the users can likely search for the real estate.
    • Enter some words in the Google search box and you will find some search suggestions, which are based on what most users search. These suggestions are for the ease of the users, but you can also use them for your information.
    • Use your common sense. You can think on your own what you would search if you are a buyer yourself.
  3. Use the Keywords on Your Website and Other Content

    Knowing what people search is not just enough, but you also need to work on those phrases for the real estate marketing. When you use the keywords on your website or in the content linked to your website, customers find it easy to search you, and your website comes at top search results, which is definitely good for your enterprise.

  4. Use Social Media Websites

    The social media websites are the great sources to promote the businesses in the present scenario. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube are very helpful in getting in touch with the potential customers. You can publish various types of information, that will definitely prove to be helpful for the promotion of your enterprise.

    • Videos with appropriate information about your firm should be used on the social media websites. The videos may contain documentaries, presentations or lectures about your services.
    • Images and infographics are the other aspects that you can use on social media websites.
    • You can start quizzes or surveys to keep the audiences engaged.
    • PowerPoint Presentations are also the great sources to promote your businesses.
    • You need to add the relevant links to inform people about various aspects of the industry.
  5. Build Great Content for Your Website:

    In new Google algorithm updates, it has been mentioned by Google that building great content is a great source of ranking. So, it can be a wonderful source of real estate marketing. You can add a lot of things in the content. But, as mentioned above also, the major thing is solving the queries of people. Apart from this, you can add content to provide the information to the visitors at your website. With this information, the visitors to your website, blog or social media page get aware of the industry, which can further convince them to buy the property.

  6. Email Marketing:

    Email Marketing on a regular basis to a qualified prospect is a very effective way to stay visible to a potential seller as well as a buyer. Get Opt-in mailing lists from different sources to know about the internet users who are interested in real estate and send relevant, attractive emails. But, remember that your emails must not sound like the spams. When your emails sound like spam, the chances of your business growth decrease as you can get bad rapport.

  7. Start Newsletter:

    Newsletters are also the great sources to market your business. You need to give the option to the visitors to subscribe your newsletters. By this, the subscribers get informed about new updates and the new scopes in real estate investment time to time, due to which they can deal with you when they find the deal interesting and beneficial if they have sufficient finance.  Moreover, your newsletters in their email account after regular intervals remind them about you from time to time, so whenever they need to purchase the property, they can contact you.

  8. Deal in Paid Advertisements If Required:

    Google and other search engines provide the facility to buy the paid advertisements to get the instant traffic. SEO to come in the top organic searches take time. So, you can buy the Pay-Per-Click advertisements, which can provide instant traffic to your website.

  9. Analyze Your Competitors:

    Analyzing your competitor gives you a specific target. By understanding the policies of the competitor agency, you can know which of these policies you can adopt and can also understand those policies, which do not work. It is easy to understand the competitor’s approach on social media websites.

  10. Add Your Links to Other Websites:

    Building backlinks is one of the prominent procedures of SEO and digital marketing. But, there should be quality backlinks on the reputed websites. To get such backlinks also, you need to build great content on your website. With the help of backlinks, your website gets the popularity and also comes in the attention of the visitors of the websites where your backlinks have been added. The backlinks are the great sources to increase the ranking of the website.

Want Real Estate Marketing?

These are some of the tips of real estate marketing, but quite obviously you may find difficult to do all this by yourself. This is the era of tie-ups and team works, so you can hire some digital marketing agency which can do all this for you as well as can use many other techniques for your business promotion. You can approach us for digital marketing services and our team of experts can do everything for you.