A guide to Choosing Affordable SEO Services
A decade ago, some entrepreneurs used to ask why they should choose SEO. But, today this question has become irrelevant as everyone who is actively involved in the online process knows the significance of Search Engine Optimization aka SEO. So, a number of companies keep their own SEO staff. But, of course, this is not a feasible option for every firm. So, a number of business units look for affordable SEO services.
This is the era of tie-ups and team works. Today, you have no need to keep everything by yourself. You can focus on your own business by giving the required tasks to other firms which have the experience of those tasks. Therefore, you can give your SEO project to some other firm, which has a team of experts who have a vast knowledge and experience in this area. All types of companies like large, midsize and small hire SEO services or experts for their projects. But, the criterion remains different in cases of companies of distinct sizes. Let’s have a look at the difference in brief.
SEO Services Hired by Large, Midsize and Small Companies
When it comes to large companies aka brands, they have no or very less worry about hiring the SEO services. They have a huge budget, so they can avail the services at any price rate. Of course, these companies also work according to their budget plans. But still, they do not find the price as their barrier and can hire the expensive services as well.
Moreover, the large brands may also decide to hire their own SEO staff and can make a new team for Search Engine Optimization if they don’t have any as yet. But, when it comes to midsize and small companies, the price constraint matters a lot. These companies have limited budgets and the company owners and management think several times before purchasing any new services. So, they seek the affordable SEO services. This applies most in the case of small companies.
Midsize companies can still take some risks, but for the small companies, taking the risk may result in losing the business.
However, midsize companies also avoid taking unnecessary risks. But the services should not just be affordable SEO services; they should also be efficient enough to solve the purpose. If some company offers low prices, but the keywords for your website do not come at high ranking then you are not hiring the affordable SEO services in a true sense. These services may waste your money, and you may need to hire some other SEO firm, and hiring firm after firm, may be more expensive for you as compared to those companies, which offer expensive SEO services.
Therefore, you may need to do some research before going to hire the services. You need to consider some aspects in order to assure yourself that these services are perfect for your firm. In this post, we give you complete guidance regarding choosing the SEO services, which will prove to be affordable for you in the real sense. Here are some of the queries you can discuss with the SEO companies.
1. Does SEO Company Use White Hat SEO?
There are two types of SEO techniques, which are often termed as white hat and black hat. The term back hat SEO is used when some company uses some unethical ways to raise the ranking of a website. Some websites, which have poor content, try to manipulate Google algorithms in different ways. Some of the black hat techniques, which some companies use but are needed to be avoided are using unrelated keywords, keyword stacking and stuffing, tiny text, hidden text, hidden links, cloaking, duplicate content at mirror site, doorway pages or gateway pages, bait-and-switch or page swapping, spam blogs, and more.
The black hat SEO had been used by many companies a lot in the past. But, the days of this type of SEO are over now. Google has released a number of updates to cease the companies to stop these unethical methods and to provide a better platform to the websites, which really deserve the top rankings. The undeserving websites faced the drop in ranking due to these updates.
In the year 2018 also, some new updates were launched and according to these updates, the websites need to be genuine by building the great the content. In sum, the black hat SEO should be avoided like a plague.
The ethical ways of doing SEO is known as white hat SEO. The first prerequisite of white hat SEO is that your website should be genuine. While keeping some rules in mind, the SEO is done, and it is called white hat SEO. This type of SEO surely gives a good impact to your website. Adding related keywords, building great content, building quality backlinks etc. are the parts of white hat SEO. As a matter of the fact, in white hat SEO, the work is done more for the users rather than the search engines.
So, you need to ask the company which claims to provide affordable SEO services whether it does white hat SEO or not. If the company is still involved in black hat SEO, it will harm your website in the future. Remember, raising the ranking of a new website is easier than raising the ranking of a website which has been penalized by Google. Therefore, you have to save your website from being penalized in every respect. You can use this information about black and white hat SEO procedures and can analyze the policy of the company yourself.
2. Keywords Used by the Company
Not to mention, SEO is prominently based on keywords. No website can come on the top on searching every word or phrase. So, some phrases are chosen, on which work is done and your website comes in top positions when someone enters these phrases in the Google search. These phrases are known as keywords. So, the keyword search is a major part of the SEO process and you need to discuss this with the company claiming to provide you affordable SEO services.
As already stated, keywords should be related to your products or services. You should discuss with the SEO Company what keywords it is going to use. The keywords are searched with some tools offered by Google, with common sense what people search about your product or service, or with suggestions that are given by Google when you enter some words in the Google search box.
You can also do some market research and can suggest your own keywords to the SEO firm. Sometimes, keywords suggested by you may be more relevant as you know about your industry in detail.
Here we can take some examples of the keywords. Suppose you have coaching center for students in New York, then the general keywords can be “coaching centers in New York”, “coaching centers New York”, “tuitions in New York”, “tuitions New York” and more. But, this is not all about.
There can be keywords specific to some aspects of your business. For example, the keywords can also be “physics tuitions in New York”, “chemistry tuitions New York” and more. For choosing the specific keywords, you are required to consider those areas, which takes more business for you or in which you are specialized.
3. Backlinks
Backlinks are the major parts of the SEO process. These are the links of your websites that are posted on external websites. There should be quality backlinks. The quality is considered by the reputation of the website on which these are posted. To get the backlinks, you need to build great content on your website. These backlinks increase traffic as well as the ranking of your website. Backlinks are the aspects that are needed to be the subject of discussion between you and the SEO Company to which you are giving your project.
4. Regular Reports from SEO Companies
SEO companies also send monthly work and progress reports to the firms that have provided them their projects. It is supposed to be necessary as you can track what the SEO Company is doing for your website. When you are aware of what is going on, you get more benefit without any second thought. There may be a number of ways to make the SEO reports. The standard method is:
- Name of the project with URL and starting date.
- Ranking of your as well as your competitor’s keywords.
- Website traffic.
- Backlinks reports.
Apart from the above-mentioned ones, there can be many other things that can be added to the report. You need to ask the SEO company what standard format they use to make a report. If you want something more in the report, you can tell that to the SEO company.
5. Content Marketing
Content Marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand. Written content is the source of various SEO procedures. So, you are required to ask about content marketing tactics of the SEO Company offering the affordable SEO services. The content marketing includes the creative and information-rich content that is shared at blogs and social media websites. You can check some of the samples of content created by SEO Company. It is not difficult to understand content marketing tactics after discussing with the company to which you have given the project.
6. Social Media Marketing
Social media strategies are considered as independent aspects of online marketing, but they are becoming the essential parts of SEO with the passage of time. Websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube provide a huge platform to share products, services, and information. So, they are excellent modes of business promotions. They also provide the backlinks to your websites.
On the other hand, they work as the shadow of your website in regard to SEO. Google and other search engines give preference to social media websites. Sometimes, when your websites are not at top positions, your social media page might be. In that case, your social media page gives traffic to your website.
Looking for Affordable SEO Services?
The above-mentioned ones are some of the aspects that you need to consider while hiring an SEO company for your projects. These tactics can help you as your guide to choosing services for your small or midsize companies. If you require, then we can also assist you in your SEO projects with our affordable SEO services targeted for different industries like Law firms, Dentists, Restaurants, E-commerce and other businesses. We work in accordance with all the above-mentioned aspects plus other things that are necessary for SEO. It is certain that you will find your desired traffic on your website in the organic search results.